About Linda

Empowering Families!!

Linda Aber, parent coach, adhd, learning disabilities, autism, social skills, social skills groups, self-esteem, children, attention deficit disorder, adolescents, Theraplay, HeartMath, Montreal, positive parenting, special needs

Mother of Two,  Attachment-Focused, ADHD Parent Coach, Certified Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) and Invitation to Change Addiction Parent Coach, Certified Nurtured Heart® Approach Trainer, Certified Theraplay® Group Specialist, Certified HeartMath® Anxiety/Anger Reduction Practitioner & Family Life Educator CCFE

Linda Aber is the owner of Tac Tics Resource Services, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. She designs & facilitates educational programs borrowing from the following: The Nurtured Heart® Approach, Theraplay®, Attachment Parenting & HeartMath® Anxiety Reduction.

She has received extensive training & certification:

 -Certification in Addiction Parenting (ITC) Invitation to Change with Dr. Jeff Foote, Dr. Ken Carpenter
-Certification in Addiction Parenting  (CRAFT) Community Reinforcement and Family Training with Dr. Dominique Simon Levine & Laurie MacDougall
-Certification in Recovery Coaching with Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch
-Certification in Mind, Body & Soul Trauma Coaching with Rabbi Daniel Schonbach

-Certified Theraplay® Group Specialist with Phyllis Booth at The Theraplay® Institute
-Attachment Parenting with Dr. Daniel A. Hughes and Dr. Art Becker Weidman
-Certified Nurtured Heart® Trainer with Howard Glasser
-Certified HeartMath® Mentor with the HeartMath® Institute.
-Certified Canadian Family Life Educator

Linda provides parent coaching, educational / support groups and workshops for parents, youth & families living with ADHD, learning disabilities, mild ASD, ODD, FASD, mood, attachment disorders & addiction.

She presents presentations, workshops for parents, school administrators, educators, organizations & conferences promoting CRAFT, Invitation to Change, Nurtured Heart®, Theraplay® & HeartMath® Anxiety/Anger Reduction approaches that enhance children’s social-emotional well-being.

As the consultant for schools and organizations, she designs & facilitates numerous workshops, groups & programs for parents, children, teens, young adults and adults, living with AD/HD, learning disabilities, ODD & Mild ASD. Since 1996, she has worked with over 150 families a year.

She specializes in placing the changing of behaviors directly into the hands of adults who care for the children. Empowerment of parents & educators is Linda’s passion… she helps to bring out the best in adults, so they can bring out the best in children.

By acquiring specific methods for stopping children’s difficult behavior, parents and educators develop new skills, more confidence & often unimagined success.

Mother of Two

Parenting a child with special needs is laden with fluctuating highs & lows that contribute to numerous joys and challenges. Using Richard Lavoie’s image of a waterbed as a metaphor for the impact & instability that ADHD, learning disabilities and special needs has on family- “If one person on the bed shifts, everyone feels it. If one member of the family has special needs, it affects everyone.”

As a proud adoptive mom of two amazing children, that waterbed remained in constant motion, during their every developmental stage. Over the past twenty five years, it affected everyone in the family & has transformed our family life enormously.

In my quest to become a more “attuned, nurturing & connective mom” my journey propelled me to acquire training in various approaches that promoted attachment parenting, attachment science & interpersonal neurobiology.

Present moment parenting, attuning to my children's feelings, acceptance, validation, positivity, humor & being playful became my loving tools to enhance our parent-child connection.

Today, they are amazing, compassionate, loving, independent young adults & these skills remain my blueprint for success, enriching our connection. In reflection, my kids have been my growth gift, the blessings in my life.

My Mission

All children and especially those with addiction, ADHD/LD & mild ASD, experience cloudy days, due to low self esteem, academic, social & emotional difficulties. These children carry more uncertainty & less hope maneuvering through their daily tasks.

Our connection, as parents, is essential now more than ever for their well-being. Children need nourishment from the inside out, making them stronger & better able to handle life’s challenges.

My goal is to educate & support parents with “strength based” attachment parenting methods that deliver loving & positive messages from the heart of the parent directly into the heart of their child.

Parents quickly learn powerful attachment strategies: how to be fully present, the art of playful pizazz, humor, how to repair & refuel when mistakes occur & how to foster a healthy, secure connection.

No GREATERer Teacher is YOU, the Parent & your Child is Your GREATest Growth Gift!


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