Happy New Year

 The Nurtured Heart® Approach Parent Coaching Sessions via ZOOM
with Linda Aber, Certified Nurtured Heart® Trainer


Your connection is the #1 thing that your child needs from you.

The Nurtured Heart® Approach is a POSITIVE, CONNECTING RELATIONSHIP MODEL where you & your children thrive.

It inspires transformative change in all children & those with ADHD, LD & Mild ASD.

• A concrete path toward promoting success, building character qualities & self-confidence in children.

• The important structure of the 3 Stands, a life-long gift of building resilience.

• The benefits of Time-In vs.Time-Out.

• Greater clarity to establish clear boundaries.

• The power of RESETS vs.traditional consequences.

• To embrace non-punitive ways to parent, even when difficulties arise.

For more information contact me at: [email protected]

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We are Delighted that You have Found Us!


Linda Aber, CCFE
-Attachment- Focused, ADHD & LD  Parent Coach
-Certified (CRAFT) Community Reinforcement and Family Training and Invitation to Change Addiction Parent Coach
-Certified Theraplay® Group Specialist
-Certified Nurtured Heart® Trainer
-Certified HeartMath® Mentor 
-Certified Canadian Family Life Educator

Dear families,
I hope you are doing well & staying safe during these uncertain times. For over 25 years, it has been an honor and privilege to foster & enhance success for thousands of families. Our goals are to educate, support & inspire parents, educators, children, teens & adults, by facilitating unique programs and services that promote healthy relationships & thriving futures.
Parenting is the most important job of your life & doesn’t come with an owner’s manual. Parenting all children & teens, especially those with ADHD, learning differences, mild ASD, oppositional defiance, mood, adoption & attachment disorders requires positive, mindful, connective approaches.

Are you sometimes feeling desperate for improved family time? Are you looking for more peaceful time together? I provide parenting approaches, skills & a set of strategies that can do just that & you can implement immediately following the training & support I provide.

Let's transform your parent-child relationship, promote happy, healthy, resilient children & adolescents plus create peaceful, loving homes.

Family clients have resolved issues with the following.    Click Here to See What They Are Saying About Us

• How do I add structure in my home & effectively discipline in a loving way?
• What can I do to deal with & reduce sibling rivalry?
• How can I help my child better handle their emotions at home & school?
• How can I help my child who has difficulty socially making & keeping friends?
• What can I do to end my child’s/teen’s power struggles, tantrums & meltdowns?
• How can I communicate more effectively with my child when s/he is anxious?

Take Your Parenting from Ordinary to Extraordinary!
In our sessions you will learn this & more:

• Facts about child brain development & what kind of parenting & discipline are most appropriate and constructive at all ages & developmental stages;
• Present moment parenting: how to stay present, validate & connect in a way that reaches your child's heart.
• Methods to calmly connect and communicate love for your child/adolescent no matter how intense the behavior while still setting clear & consistent limits;
• Tips on becoming their safe harbor & how to navigate your child/adolescent through the storm to achieve insight, empathy, repair & continue to refuel your relationship;
• The most common discipline mistakes even the best parents make;
• The language of positivity, teaching emotional regulation, social skills competency, anxiety & anger reduction;

Check out our pages:

Services:  A list of our attachment-based programs & services
Upcoming Events: ZOOM Nurtured Heart Approach Parent Course, ZOOM Family Circle Social Skills Groups. FREE  Parent Support Group & Guest Speaker Presentations
• Parent Talk  Series: Enjoy our animated e-learning videos.
Blog: Linda’s Covid-19 Parenting Tips & other posts.
Articles: Inspirational readings.
Resources: Covid-19 family resources & more.

No GREATer Teacher is You – the Parent & your Child is Your GREATest Growth Gift!

Parent Coaching

• One-on-one opportunity to acquire & adapt powerful attachment-based parenting skills that promote success & enhance your parent-child relationship.

• Meetings are scheduled every other week, or as often as you prefer.

• Parents learn new skills & begin to utilize them at home.

• Follow- up check-ins are offered to support families in mastering their new parenting skills &scripts.

Nurtured Heart® Approach Parenting

• Is for ALL children, adolescents & adults, especially for those diagnosed with ADHD, learning disabilities, ASD, anxiety, bi-polar & attachment issues.

• NHA is a mindset, an energetic shift, a perspective on our roles as parents & educators & a way of showing up & being present in the positive. It creates success for all. In that shift, comes many shifts, including behavior improvement & growth of positive character qualities.

Anxiety Reduction

• The coronavirus has upended family life all around the world  & produced an enormous amount of stress for individuals & families to navigate.

• Acquire effective techniques to immediately help you & your children calm.

• Go-to tools for morning/evening routines, reducing meltdowns & more.

• On-line tools, exercises & The Kids HeartSmart® Program.

Theraplay® Social Skills

• Theraplay® is a lively, fun, playful method that produces remarkable changes in the lives of families.

Parents, children/teens are guided through activities that promote self-regulation, peer relationships, perspective taking.

• Youth explore how their behavior affects others.

• Use the TACTICS TOOLBOX- with over 45 concrete strategies for success.

To be in your child's memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today!

Our attachment-based parenting approaches, strategies & embracing the"4 S's" of being present will take you from ordinary to extraordinary!

When you are mentally & emotionally present for your child, you show up in ways that will both greatly empower you as a parent & promote resilience & strength in your child.

Stay Connected


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